FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Can I use PIXLUM outdoors?

No, PIXLUM products are designed for indoor use only.

Are PIXLUM products safe?

Yes, PIXLUM products are consistent with all European safety norms and regulations regarding fire, electricity and photobiology. For more information on that subject, see our products pages  and the links to the products' data sheets they contain.

What material can I use to decorate my panels ?

Panels can be installed like plasterboards. They can therefore be covered by any material you wish (paint, wallpaper, etc.).

How many PixLEDs™ can I use per sqm ?

There is no limit. Transformers supply 150 W. If your needs are higher, use more transformers and adjust your project. Ask us for more detailed advice on that subject or go to this page: "PixBOARD™"

What do you expect from a future PIXLUM partner ?

He must share our values (sense of sharing, liking discoveries, innovation, beauty and new encounters), be motivated and available. He is asked to bring a completely new type of products into a country and it will require at first some personal investment. 
In particular, it seems essential to us that the partner comes to meet us in our offices in order to discover the product and all its possibilities as well as to discuss the particulars regarding the work relationship as well as getting to know him. 

For more information, go to the "Ideal PIXLUM partner" page.

Can you come and visit us ?

Yes, but only as a second step. It seems important to us that the distributor comes and visits us first in order to observe and understand how the company works and see all our products for himself.

Do I need to have an experience in the market of LEDs ?

It would only serve you as a PIXLUM distributor, even if it is not an essential condition to us. 

Do I need to have an experience in building distribution networks ?

Again, it would be preferable since importing a product means organizing its distribution. Having a certain level of experience locally can only facilitate your work as a PIXLUM partner. 

Why create a Joint Venture ?

You will become the only, exclusive and official PIXLUM® player in your country. You will be able to introduce yourself as the manufacturer and will benefit from PIXLUM international's support at any time. For more information on this point, see our "Business Model" page.

How do you foresee PIXLUM international's development in the years to come ?

We are aiming to establish PIXLUM in three new countries a year and then create a strong network between the franchises throughout the world to share advices and experiences and further the dynamic of success.

Will the Joint Ventures be allowed to sell products other than those created by PIXLUM ?

Yes. It is even strongly advised as long as those products are a complement whose sale does not require additional resources. 
For instance, the selling of decorative wallpapers, picture frames or LED caps and crystals which are sold jointly with PIXLUM products or are at least meant for the same kind of clientele and that can be presented during the same sales meeting can only help you boost your turnover.

Later on, every Joint Venture that will have supplemented its offer will be able to share its suppliers' information with other joint ventures, thus enriching the PIXLUM offer on a global scale. 

What is the purpose of this network ?

There are several purposes. The sharing of experiences and advices and mutual support is one of them. The other is to allow end customers to find the distributor that is closest to them geographically. This way, a German distributor meeting an American prospect on an international trade show will be able to redirect him towards the American distributor and vice versa. 


What is the investment necessary for the new structure ?

We will have to calculate those investments together. It will depend on the Business Plan which will have to take the potential market into account as detected at the end of the trial period. However, the amount is not a critical element for selection. 


Who will hold the majority share in the franchises ?

PIXLUM will be a discreet shareholder. The partner shall be the one to hold the majority share. 
For more details on the relationship with the partner, go to our "Business Model" page.

What material will you provide us with ?

We will provide you with a commercial website upon signing the contract which will allow you to produce immediate revenues. We will also share our experience, our source documents for all sales material for you to print out as is or translated as well as our graphic charter. For more information on this point see our "distribution tools" page.


Are PIXLUM products safe?

Yes, PIXLUM products are consistent with all European safety norms and regulations regarding fire, electricity and photobiology. For more information on that subject, see our products pages  and the links to the products' data sheets they contain.